The basis of the network of most organizations is a structured cabling system (SCS), a logically complete set of switching equipment and wire communication lines, which, according to the established algorithm, performs the tasks facing the organization.
It is designed to create integrated information systems that transmit data, sound, video, television signals, as well as signals from systems of integrated security and life support of buildings.
Equipment for SCS includes a wide range of components for fiber-optic cable systems and cable systems based on twisted pair. This allows us to offer the customer a solution that fully meets his technical and economic requirements.
SCS have greater capabilities than traditional specialized systems, and have a number of distinctive features:
The structured system is a universal solution that can be used to service various corporate networks, including computer, telephone and television, as well as alarm and video surveillance systems of an office building. Economically, it is more profitable, since when using it, there is no need to build specialized systems for each type of equipment.
Investment in SCS is made at the stage of its creation and a properly created system allows various applications to work for up to 25 years or more.
SCS is the basis of the IT structure of enterprises and the work of the whole enterprise for many years depends on its quality.
It does not require additional installation work when significant changes in the number of employees of the enterprise, the number of applications and equipment.
The SCS we create are capable of supporting a wide range of applications using the appropriate equipment.
SPEZVUZAUTOMATIKA is the official partner and installer of the most famous and well-proven global manufacturers of SCS components such as AMP, R M, Molex. Our certified specialists annually undergo training at training centers of SCS equipment manufacturers and confirm their high level of qualifications. All works related to the design and installation of SCS are carried out on the basis of State licenses for construction and architecture. We offer all possible SCS solutions for objects of various categories of complexity.
Each SCS made on the basis of high-quality components produced by the SCS market leaders, designed and installed by our specialists, after performing the appropriate tests, can be certified by the SCS component manufacturer for a warranty period of up to 25 years.
You can learn more detailed information on the design and installation of SCS from the specialists of SPEZVUZAUTOMATIKA by contacting the contacts convenient for you on our page.