Audit of IT-infrastructure - a complex of measures, which includes actions on the inventory of its elements, a detailed study of the components and their interaction, a comprehensive analysis of the real state of the infrastructure and the development of recommendations to address the problems identified.
The work of a modern company and business continuity today are impossible without the correct organization of the information infrastructure. It is entrusted with such important functions as providing staff with tools that ensure data exchange, processing and storage.The efficiency, security and reliability of the IT infrastructure directly affects the efficiency of your enterprise, as well as the reliability of interaction between departments and the security of confidential information.
Threats from the inconsistency of your business with the existing IT infrastructure
The poor performance of the IT infrastructure threatens the enterprise with serious problems. A far from complete list of problems includes downtime and a noticeable slowdown, the imperfection of the IT infrastructure manifests itself in various forms, including the following factors:
Complete loss of control over the work of the IT infrastructure, for example, as a result of the dismissal of a responsible specialist.
Failure of hardware or software of the information infrastructure.
Violation of information security as a result of intentional or accidental actions of employees.
Loss of confidential data due to unauthorized access.
Late transmission or incorrect processing of data.
All these factors can lead to direct financial and reputational losses. And theft of confidential data or trade secrets can stop the operation of the enterprise altogether.
How to improve the efficiency and safety of the enterprise
To be effective in using your IT infrastructure, you need to have a clear understanding of where you are today. It is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of your infrastructure as a whole, all its links separately, including the topology of the local network, the state of its active and passive components, as well as the organization of the access system and the delineation of personnel responsibilities. This will identify weaknesses in your infrastructure and give you an understanding of what measures need to be applied and what reserves can be used in order not only to avoid direct and indirect losses, but also to receive additional benefits from the optimal configuration of the infrastructure with the efficient use of human and energy resources.
First of all, it is imperative to exclude all possible causes that can adversely affect the activities of the enterprise. Audit of IT-infrastructure is absolutely necessary, even when everything is functioning perfectly at first glance. In the hardware and software part, as well as in the organization of the interaction of your company's employees, such time mines can be laid that only professionals with the relevant knowledge and many years of experience can identify.
It is equally important to use the available resources rationally. It is worth making sure that there are no unnecessary elements in the IT infrastructure. This will not only help to reduce the cost of its maintenance, but also increase the reliability of operation.
Features of the audit by specialists of SPEZVUZAVTOMATIKA
The audit is carried out in a certain sequence, the standard set of activities is divided into the following stages:
Drawing up a detailed list of individual elements that make up the IT infrastructure.
Analysis of the reliability, safety and efficiency of each element at the hardware and software levels. Conducted on the basis of monitoring and test results. This also includes an analysis of the possible impact of the human factor: it can be the dependence of the infrastructure on one or several people, security threats as a result of unwritten security policies, rules for storing access keys and a list of trusted persons, etc.
Identification of "bottlenecks" that negatively affect the functioning of the IT infrastructure and the solution of the tasks assigned to it. An assessment of the damage they can cause.
Assessment of the efficiency of resource use.
Development of ready-made solutions that can reduce costs with minimal financial investment, maximize the efficiency and safety of the infrastructure.
Compilation of a list of hardware and software elements required to update the IT infrastructure, as well as organizational measures required for modernization in accordance with the selected option.
This set of measures allows you to get a complete picture of the state of the IT infrastructure, including timely warning of the danger of accidents and threats to information security. An audit provides an opportunity to form an optimal budget for the implementation of the activities necessary to bring the infrastructure in line with the requirements of a specific type of business. The audit will help to accurately predict the maintenance costs of the IT infrastructure for the planned dates.
The infrastructure may need modernization to speed up its operation and increase business profitability. Sometimes it is required to modify it to cover newly discovered security threats in software and hardware that can be used to interfere with the operation of the enterprise and steal information.
Technologies are constantly changing, along with this progress brings its own adjustments to the principles of doing business. However, figuring out on your own which technology changes are critical to your business and which are not can be difficult. It is more efficient to contact SPEZVUZAVTOMATIKA for a complex or partial IT audit. Our experts recommend not to postpone the decision until later - it is better to check-up the infrastructure, without waiting for critical situations.
Call our managers now and find out what else the company SPEZVUZAVTOMATIKA can help in solving your issues in the work of the IT infrastructure!